GDE730 W8 | Workshop Challenge
The Bellettini offers timeless architecture and magnificent grounds providing an ideal retreat for seniors living in Bellevue, Washington.
What are the advantages of interdisciplinary provocation and how could you utiliZe this approach in your practice?
Put theory into practice and spend an hour brainstorming ideas based on the following challenge and who you would choose to work with.
Identify a discipline and specialist who could help you to reflect from a dynamically opposing position on a specific problem.
Pick one of the issues below and discuss with your chosen individual how you may solve the challenge. This should ideally be recorded as an audio podcast. Our interest in this also relates to the way in which different disciplines discuss an issue and their manner and approach in communicating differently, as well as how you would capture this.
As a guide, please evolve your own strategy for bridging the questions. Equally, you may wish to also consider the core issues: how would your specialism solve this and how different is this to the expected design thinker?
Do not forget to consider the communication style you would use to encourage interdisciplinary dialogue.
Finally, how do you summariZe these findings in a way that is acceptable to both collaborators?
Provocation considerations:
Improving mental health in young adults.
Reducing pollution in inner cities.
Encouraging greater engagement with galleries and museums.
Reducing isolation and loneliness.
Promoting greater community cohesion.
I chose to interview an architect, James Knight about the opportunities for architecture to inform, improve, and impact community cohesion as well as the intersection of graphic design, architecture, and community.
What is community cohesion?
What are some of the benefits of community cohesion and pitfalls of having an absence of cohesion in the community?
How does architecture inform or impact community cohesion?
What socioeconomic considerations must be made to positively impact community cohesion?
Are there any common denominators?
Tell me about The Bellettini in Bellvue, WA.
How will any of this change post COVID-19?
What about the future? How will architecture change to address the needs of future communities?
How can architecture and graphic design collaborate on this issue?
Falmouth University (2018). Interdisciplinary Insights – New Approaches and Creative Partnerships | Lecture. History and Futures GDE720 19/20 Part-Time Study Block S2 (Falmouth, UK: Falmouth University)
TYPE Talk, Andy Altmann (2012) Dinner for One?.
LYNfabrikken Aarhus Denmark, (2012) Lecture with Troika.
Open Cell
OffShore Studio Migrant Journal
TED, Anab Jain(2017) Why we need to imagine different futures