GDE740 W2 | Lecture Reflection
Ideas, Craft, & Content
This week our creative practitioners were asked:
How do you visualize and develop your initial ideas?
What are your point of reference?
Offshore referenced their “Migration Journal” project collaboration. The meeting of two minds leveraged sketch, discussion, questioning, and perspective to develop their initial ideas. They look to visual reference collections, production methods, hand sketching, computer rough concepts, design testing across the unique flow of a given project.
Depending on the project, they use research, set references, and various creative expressions: photography, sculpture, writing, architecture, painting, and music to serve as points of reference.
Vernonica Fuerte first uses sketch and lists of ideas, as well as playing with type to get started on a project. She is inspired by city and locations, being open and aware, looking and questioning. She says that clients can also serve as inspiration. Problems can be inspiring. She likes to “go deep” to best understand the full of a given project. She also finds inspiration in her peers.
They do “lots & lots” of research. They use words to write it all down, begin with sketch, and then move to computer and other multimedia platforms to gel their ideas and thoughts. Finding two words that can be connected together, such as “Lava Barbeque”, which are compiled in an ideas log, serve to bring new ideas and meaning. Collaboration with other creatives and makers is also a reference and inspiration point for Bompas & Parr.
They usually start with a script and look too technical approaches within the gaming platform to explore ideas. They set their visual style and tone by creating a “visual bible,” ensuring consistency and continuity across makers. Music is an important part of Werkflow’s methodology and reference. It helps to establish mood, sense of place, and time.
Falmouth University (2018). Ideas, Craft and Context | Podcast Videos. Application and Interactions GDE740 19/20 Part-Time Study Block S1 (Falmouth, UK: Falmouth University)