Write an ‘about’ paragraph – an elevator pitch on either your current positioning or one you would like to establish. You may choose to take a speculative approach and envision your global dominance as a design studio superpower. Or as a more humble sole trader who works in a freelance capacity. Have your values changed since beginning the course? Is there a strategic approach your company would communicate to potential commissioners or clients?
Please consider the following in your approach:
What is the idea?
How does it work?
Why does it work?
My philosophy is simple: be a good listener, ask questions, never promise what you can’t deliver, exceed expectations, build long-term relationships, and: be fearless.
What you can expect when working with me:
Innovative, influential and award-winning Creative Director successful in cultivating great design teams and work environments that produce exceptional ideas for championing an organization's values, image and brand.
Blends passion for design with business savvy and expert skills in client facing, conceptualizing and pitching ideas, guiding the creative direction of projects, and on-time project delivery. Focused and persistent; diplomatic and resilient. Excel in analysis, decision-making, problem solving, time management and meeting deadlines.
Competencies include:
Leadership – Based on the understanding that good management is a service, not a restraint; that business is an ecosystem which requires nurturance; that companies are composed of people not machines; and that the best work environments are great because they're fun AND productive
Communication - Building and maintaining relationships and garnering buy-in via drafting effective creative briefs, presenting creative and persuasive visions/pitches across stakeholders (clients, staff, and leadership), and using effective negotiation to identify and implement mutually beneficial outcomes
Creativity - Proven and hands-on designer who inspires innovation, drives ingenuity, and achieves results via effective brainstorming and ideation, creative problem solving, and resourceful and storytelling with impact
Technical Knowledge – Possess high levels of knowledge of and skill in working with creative softwares, web design best practices, social media platforms, etc.
Staffing – Hiring, developing, motivating, managing and retaining the best talent
Budgeting – Creation, management, working within
Presentations – Creative briefs, creative visions, drafts, finished products
Teaching, Training – Developing staff, introducing new users to new products and technologies
Work Culture – Develop and evolve the workplace into THE place employees want to be
Design for Good is an ethos to use problem-solving and design thinking towards social change.
AIGA Design for Good highlights opportunities of engagement for designers to build their practice, expand their network, and have hands-on leadership opportunities. Design for Good recognizes the wide range of designers’ work and hands-on leadership and professional development opportunities, which benefit the world, our country, and our communities. Design for Good sustains designers playing a catalytic role through community projects that create positive social impact.
By supporting designers through online networks, inspirational stories, meaningful programs, open dialogues and chapter events, impact measurement toolkits, and national advocacy and promotion, Design for Good serves as a powerful resource for designers who wish to work in this area and a beacon for designers leading the charge.
Matter Unlimited is a strategic and creative consultancy built for the purpose-led economy.
We are situated at the intersection of culture, capital and cause, and leverage this unique perspective to create impactful solutions to service our client’s needs.
We help build and grow mission driven brands.
HelpGood is an agency focused on social good.
We help nonprofits, NGOs, foundations, universities, social enterprises, cause marketers, and corporate social responsibility teams develop digital-first marketing, communications, and fundraising strategies….
….that inspire action and create a lasting social impact.
IDEO.org is a nonprofit design studio.
We design products and services alongside organizations….
…. that are committed to creating a more just and inclusive world
Exclamation: an informal expression of encouragement
AttaGirl Design is a studio dedicated to giving voice for social good.
Through an engaged, empathetic, and collaborative approach, AttaGirl Design provides strategic solutions aimed at amplifying the efforts of organizations committed to create a more humane and just world.
There has never been a more important time to provide a platform for the voices for social good. Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can make the world a better place.
AttaGirl Design is a studio dedicated to giving voice for social good.
Through an engaged, empathetic, and collaborative approach, AttaGirl Design provides strategic solutions aimed at amplifying the efforts of organizations committed to create a more humane and just world.
There has never been a more important time to provide a platform for the voices for social good. Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can make the world a better place.
Falmouth University (2018). Planning, Strategy and Management | Philosophies, Roles and Approach | Lecture. Studio and Entrepreneurship GDE730 20/21 Part-Time Study Block S3 (Falmouth, UK: Falmouth University)
Butler, Sarah (2018) ‘Wallace & Gromit producers hand stake to staff
USI Events (2017) Redesigning Leadership John Maeda, at USI
DesignInDaBa (2016) John Maeda on Design Thinking and Creative Leadership
Computer Arts (2016) How to Launch and Run a Design Studio (Links to an external site.)
millsustwo (2017) Inside ustwo (Links to an external site.)
The Futur (2017) How To Run A Creative Business: In-depth breakdown w/ Melinda Livsey
Sagmeister, Stefan (2013) ‘Medalist Stefan Sagmeister (Links to an external site.)’, AIGA
&walsh – https://andwalsh.com (Links to an external site.)
Sagmeister inc – https://sagmeister.com (Links to an external site.)
Maeda Studio – https://maedastudio.com/